Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Learn to be Content

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. Philippians 4:11

We should be so glad that Paul here confesses that he had to learn contentment in every situation. Sometimes some Christians speak of having good spiritual characteristics in the sense that they come too easy for them, while the rest of us struggle like crazy to achieve them. Not here with Paul, he relates that it took a learning curve for him, and thus for us too. He has had times where he had an abundance and he also had times when he had scarcely enough.

Paul is valuable because he just doesn't talk a good Christian life, but he lives it. And he shares with us as a mentor in our living for Christ too. Contentment is such a valuable asset! It is the opposite of striving for more! Our world and culture today wants to always keep us from being content--it wants us to always seek more, another, upgrade, etc.

Most of the time the situations in which we find ourselves are not of our choice, and thus we are malcontent with them and seek to remove ourselves from them quickly. We are typically not too peaceful until these situations are changed. Contentment is called for in all these situations for the Christian. We believers in Christ are to accept them as our gracious and loving God's will for our lives at that time. We are to rely on His judgment and care for us in EVERY situation, for He loves us and His mercy endures forever!

Contentment is knowing who we are: we are the Lord's! Contentment is knowing where we are heading: we are heading to eternal life with Him! Contentment is trusting in Him always: we are totally dependent on His promise to always be with us and work all things to our good.

This prayer says it well: "Blessed be the Lord God, who has not left us to suffer in our own folly, but has called and enlightened us to live according to His mercy in Christ. Amen."

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