Monday, March 29, 2010

When Lord has Need... Send Immediately!

Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied there and a colt with her; untie them, and bring them to Me. And if anyone says something to you, you shall say, "The Lord has need of them," and immediately he will send them.
Matthew 21:2-3

Blessed Holy Week! Our celebration of Palm Sunday and Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem is behind us. Palm Sunday confronts us with three things characteristic of Jesus the Messiah: ministry, mercy and meekness.

Let's take the last first: His meekness. He chooses not to walk into Jerusalem swelling with crowds for the Passover celebration with a high-pitched fever surrounding a possible rebellion being begun with a potential Messiah entering. The Lord has need not for a proud, high stepping stallion to ride to victory, but humbles Himself on a beast of burden. Why two? The omniscient Lord knows that neither would be content separated, so He rides the colt with the dam trotting beside. Must have been some scene; the Romans' trepidation must have lessened somewhat when they see his public choice of entry, the poor man's animal.

His mercy drives Him to this moment and public procession. His ways are inexplicable and are driving ahead to the mercy He will achieve this week. It is for all of those in the crowd that Palm Sunday and all of us as well. His mercies are new each and every morning as they were that Sunday. He entered Jerusalem as one who trusted the will of His Father to that the victory for humans could be won on the cross and empty tomb.

His ministry calls each of us to follow Him this Week of The Passion that in Him our "Hosannas" are fulfilled! "Hosanna" means "save us now." We need such ministry always till we depart these bodies and life. The will of God drives the Lord now to accept the crowds acclamation of David's Son and fulfillment of Zechariah's prophecy. The goal for which He came to earth is now in full sight and He no longer remains the hidden Messiah. Soon, He will be in full sight! Suspended on Golgatha's hill for the sins of the world. His ministry, mercy and meekness is given to us by the Holy Spirit in order that we might be sent by Jesus to the world as His dear children in ministry, mercy and meekness. He has need of them, and we immediately are sent through our individual calls and vocations.

Ride on, ride on in majesty!

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