Monday, October 25, 2010

Is There A Higher Justice For All?

But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord.
2 Samuel 11:27b

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love...
Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight
Psalms 51:1a, 4a

Why do we naturally sinful human beings think we can get away with murder, adultery and other atrocities against God? Literally, these were the offenses against God that King David committed with the Bathsheba affair as recorded in 2 Samuel 11. He was negligent in his duties as king leading the Israelite army, he physically took another man's wife and committed adultery, than as cover up had the man murdered. Did he truly think God wasn't observing all this. The chapter ends with this summary statement: "But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord."

What we are surprisingly show in this whole affair however is the compassion and mercy of God as he sends the prophet Nathan to confront David and secures the confession and absolution which results, with such admission and faith in God's forgiveness found in Psalm 51.

There David correctly surmises and proclaims that his real sin, real injustice was against God and only God. Here we can be sure David was thinking First Commandment. All breaking of God's law inherently involves First Commandment breaking, of forsaking what the only God would want us to do and abstain from.

David also correctly surmises and proclaims that God is able and willing to blot out all David's transgressions and ours in Jesus' sacrifice. Sin truly confessed as against a holy God and forgiven in Jesus Christ, His Son our Lord brings forth the joy our Thy salvation as expressed in Psalm 51:14: Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, O God of my salvation, and my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness." Amen.

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