Thursday, September 30, 2010

Do Not Be Distracted from the One Thing Needul

But Martha was distracted with much service.... the Lord answered her: "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled concerning many things, but of one thing there is need.
Luke 10:40a, 41-42a

The familiar story of Mary and Martha is illuminating how many things in our world we can and do get distracted from the one needful thing: time in God's Word. Like the young boy whose mind is not on his schoolwork but on dreaming out the window, all of us get our spiritual vision blurred with so many other things that are not as beneficial and motivational to our life in Christ when not fully supported and fueled by our constant consumption of God's Word.

We are not what we eat physically, but what we consume spiritually! So we have need to constant be eating the best of God's Word correctly understood and applied. As Jesus stated in Luke 4:4 (quoting Deuteronomy 8:3) that we truly live on not physical bread "alone" but on every word that proceeds out of God's mouth. This is the needful thing and yet so many skimp, if not starve with so little of study of God's Word in their regular diet.

For sure better nutrition should be for everyone, that we intake the proper foods to keep our bodies functioning as created. So how much more should we not be concerned about spiritual nutrition?

Find a Bible Study in your midst where faithful, true pastors who are constantly in God's Word feed you. They constantly sit at Jesus' feet like Mary (Luke 10:39). Divinely served in this way, they in turn are in position to serve Jesus in their vocations and calling.

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